Tag Archives: face to face selling

Face-to-Face Sales Tips (Trade Shows, Retail Stores & Festivals)

Selling online or over the phone requires a lot less pressure compared to selling in face-to-face scenarios. Online you simply present your pitch in written words and wait for someone who needs that solution to grab a hold of your message and make a purchase. When selling over the phone, you don’t have to be self-conscious about your appearance or gestures. But in a face-to-face selling situation, you have the potential buyer right there, in your face, waiting to see if you have something that they need or want.

Come Armed with Visuals

When you put yourself in any face-to-face selling opportunity, always come armed with some type of printed or visual media. The media should either attract the attention of potential buyers or educate them on features. It assists your pitch. For instance, if you are selling an invention at a trade show, make sure that you have a video playing that demonstrates how it works, or an educational leaflet to give to passersby. Either one attracts the attention of potential buyers and puts you in a better position to convert the face-to-face sale.

Let Them Touch It

If you sell a physical product, put it in the potential buyer’s hand. When a customer holds an item in his hands, the chance of a sale increases. The potential customer takes “ownership” of the item when she holds it in her hands, feels it and plays around with it. Some people will find it hard to let the item go. So as soon as someone comes up to your table or booth, pick up one of your products and offer it to them—then start talking to them about it.

Ask Questions

Some sales people make one common mistake when selling in face-to-face scenarios—they talk too much. They are so eager to sell the product or nervous that they talk themselves right of the sale. Let the customer talk to you—ask her questions related to her needs or desires. Listen intently and show her that you care about her needs and issues. Then present your product as a potential solution.

When selling in a face-to-face situation it is important to be aware of yourself, but you must also be aware of the potential customer’s needs, desires and behaviors. Relax, be prepared, put the customer first and watch as the rest of the pieces fall into place.