Small Business Blogging Tips: Getting People to Read Your Blog Posts

The average blog reader isn’t going to read your whole post unless they’re hooked from the start. If you don’t grab their attention right away, they’re going to hit the ‘back’ button on their browser and forget that they ever even visited your blog. There are several things that you can do to draw the reader in and compel them to not only read your entire small business blog post, but also to take a look at your products, services and offerings.

readingThe Title Is Crucial
Coming up with a great title for your small business blog post is incredibly important because it’s what first inspires the reader to click on your site in the first place. It should encompass what your post is all about in an inspiring way. For example, if you run a boutique and you’re writing a post about the latest fashions, don’t give your post a generic title like “The Latest Fashions for Spring.” The average browser is going to assume your post is as common and everyday as your title. Instead, try something like “2014 Fashions that Will Make Him Do a Double Take” or something else to inspire action. That’s the type of title that gets clicks.

Have an Opinion and Stick to It
It’s important to have a solid point that you want to make in each blog post. Keep coming back to that point and have strong proof to back it up. To grab maximum attention it helps to be a bit controversial and ruffle some feathers, but be true to yourself and your business. Don’t be bold or contrary just for shock value, but it’s important to get your reader feeling strongly about your post, even if she disagrees. If the reader is moved to respond or leave a comment, you’ve hooked her in and she may bookmark your site for future visits.

People Do Judge Books by Their Covers
While your content is absolutely the most important part of your small business blog, the cosmetic stuff matters too. If you use a generic, boring theme, the reader might judge your blog before he even reads a word that you’ve written. You might want to invest in a paid WordPress blog template that was created by a professional designer and either learn how to integrate it with your website or hire someone who does. It’s a small investment that can make a big difference in how people interact with your blog.

Other ways to make your blog look more interesting:

– Use expressive pictures or art in each post that are related to the content (make sure the photos are public domain or royalty-free and you have the rights).
– Use larger call out quotes to draw attention to important points in the text.
– Add widgets to the side of the content with links to your other interesting blog posts to encourage visitors to stay around awhile.
– Add widgets showing your recent activity and comments on social media.

Above all, to get people to actually read your small business blog, you must develop your own unique voice. Just focus on blogging about the things that you know and care about—your passion and personality will do all of the “hard” work for you.



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Social Media Marketing Tips for a New Clothing Store

When you open a new retail clothing store, whether it’s online or at a physical location, one of your top marketing goals should be to connect with the right people who can help spread the word and increase your market reach. Social media makes that process easier for store owners. With social media marketing you can become a premier store that fashionistas and clothing enthusiasts go to for the latest trends.

fashionableladyBe a Trend Setter
People commonly use social media sites to stay updated about the latest fashions and clothing trends. Give them what they want—use Twitter and Facebook to share pictures of the latest trends that come across your radar as well as fashion “do’s and don’ts.” Put clothing pieces together to show your followers how to complete the perfect look. Start a conversation on Facebook to encourage people to share their own fashion ideas or faux pas. Pinterest is also a perfect place to display your outfit ideas and gain more followers for your store.

Generate a Buzz
Create energy and buzz about the items that will be shipping into your store soon so that people will be eager to snatch them up. One way to do this is to offer them in very limited quantities. For instance, if you post a picture of an amazing pair of pants on Twitter and state that there are only 10 available starting Monday morning, it can create an intense demand for the item. If you do this consistently and successfully, you might get to the point where people are willing to stand in line at your store to get the latest items. If you have an online clothing store, start a countdown clock until the limited quantity item is available to the public and remember to inform everyone when it’s sold out.

Value Your Followers

You are nothing without your customers, so make sure that they know just how much you appreciate them. Back up your glowing words of praise with special offers and discounts to keep your best customers coming back for more. Also, on social media sites it’s important that you interact with your followers and show them that you’re not just a bot posting advertisements. Talk to random followers and answer people who ask you questions about your merchandise.

Creating a reputation for being an awesome new clothing store won’t happen overnight, but with smart social media marketing you can accomplish this goal more quickly. Offer the latest trends, create a buzz, open up to your customers on social media sites and be sure to thank your customers with special offers that keep them coming back for more.



Image credit: © Phil Date | Dreamstime Stock Photos


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Tips for a Pay-Per-Click Advertising Campaign

Before you make the investment in a pay-per-click campaign, which could cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars each month, do an evaluation of your business to ensure that it will be worth your while.

womanworkingThe Price Point of Your Offering
For a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign to be worth your time and money, you should be selling a relatively high margin product or service. In other words, you should be profitable on each sale of your offering, including the amount that you spent on your PPC campaign to generate the sale. For instance, if you have to spend $100 in clicks to generate one sale, then the item you’re selling should at the very least give you a $100 profit.

Keyword Research
Many advertisers know about keyword research but still don’t spend enough time on this important task. Choosing keywords to purchase should not be a passing thought. You should take a few days, even weeks, performing keyword research before you start spending money on them.

The keywords that you choose should be ultra-relevant to your business and as specific as possible. Before you add them to your PPC campaign, ask yourself this question: “Will someone who types this phrase into a search engine actually consider buying my product?”

Features and Benefits
When you set up a PPC campaign you’ll most likely have to write one or more short ads. Write your ads before you start the campaign — not on the fly while logged onto your PPC dashboard. You need time to review your marketing plan and come up with the right message to draw quality clicks.

Start by listing all of the features and benefits of your product or service. Features are attributes of the offering (such as size and specs) and benefits are the specific ways that the offering will help the target customer (such as “lose weight” or “make more money”). Know all of this before you start your campaign — it may give you some insights into good keywords and advertising strategies.

Goals and Limits
Before you launch your pay-per-click campaign, ask yourself a few questions. What is your main goal in launching this campaign? Is it to make instant sales or to just get leads to send you their email addresses? At what point will you decide that the campaign is either a bust or a success and then either halt it or put more money toward it? What are your spending limits and how long will the campaign run? You need to know all of the answers to these questions and more before you get started.

Don’t rush into a pay-per-click campaign — take plenty of time to prepare. Make sure that you have all of your ducks in a row before you add money to your account and release your first set of ads to the online world.



Image credit: © Abdone | Dreamstime Stock Photos

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Blogging Tips: Generating Ideas for Your Small Business Blog

Blogging can be fun and it gives you the freedom to decide how you will communicate with your website visitors. However it can be difficult to choose topics to blog about that will not only pique the interest of your visitors but also draw in new traffic to your small business site. Explore these tips for how to choose topics for your small business blog and you may find that you’ll soon be flooded with new ideas.

Breaking News
If your small business blog deals with issues that may come up in the mainstream news, stay up-to-date with breaking news stories that relate to your company’s products and stories. Providing your unique perspective on even seemingly insignificant stories may draw lots of traffic from interested readers. Monitor the major news sites for breaking news daily, or set up a Google alert that brings you all of the latest stories in your industry. The sooner you post about the breaking news on your blog, the better your chances of seeing your blog post ranked highly on search engines for related keywords.

Twitter Trends
Another invaluable resource for learning about topics to blog about is Twitter. Twitter posts the top 10 trending topics at the moment (what everyone is tweeting about) and you may also find that some of the people that you follow are posting about new trends and interesting stories. If you want your popularity as a blogger to grow, you may want to just stay logged into your Twitter account 24 hours a day.

Take Cues from Your Comments
Sometimes your blog visitors will give you great tips on issues to blog about when they post their comments. Blog visitors often have a strong knowledge of your topic and can provide you with some insights. So read your comments regularly and write down new ideas. Also, ask specific questions at the end of your blog posts to open up the floor to your readers and generate more potential topic ideas.

Check Your Search Stats
After managing your blog for some time you might start to notice trends in your search statistics. For instance, if your small business blog is about home décor, you might find a lot of searches for a specific style of decorating. After you blog for a while, you might find that a lot of visitors who come to your site are looking for answers to specific questions. Generate new blog posts that directly answer their questions to keep that visitor traffic flowing in.

Keep in mind that while it can be tempting to follow the lead of trends in the news and social media, it is important to stay on track with your small business blog’s main purpose. For instance, if your core business is selling pet supplies, don’t get sidetracked with entertainment news (unless it has a specific relation to pets). Be consistent, posting at least 3-5 quality posts per week, and soon enough you’ll have a thriving blog with regular visitors who are very interested in what you have to say AND what you’re selling.

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3 Ways to Use Twitter to Make Money

Some Twitter users spend a lot of time posting on Twitter for fun, but they don’t realize that it’s possible to use Twitter to make money. Your time is as valuable as money (if not more), so why not use your time spent on Twitter to make some money? Shift your perspective a bit, because this could start off as something to do on the side and turn into an opportunity to start a small business.

So if you’re a Twitter fanatic who is also a fan of making money, explore ways to use your account more productively. Before you get started, read Twitter’s Rules to ensure that your plan is in line with their guidelines.

Here are three simple ideas for earning an income on Twitter and other social media sites:

Promoted Tweets

Some people make money by promoting tweets to their followers. An advertiser pays them a fee for each tweet. There are a number of services that facilitate this type of transaction by accepting payment from the customer and then immediately posting the tweet to your account (like this one). You set the price—obviously, the more followers you have, the more you can charge. It’s also helpful if you happen to reach a targeted group of people who advertisers want to reach, like moms or teens.

Affiliate Arrangements

Another way to make money with your Twitter account is to manage a website or blog where you post affiliate deals and specials related to your subject matter. You can create an affiliate account with a service like Commission Junction, LinkShare or Amazon. Your job is to continue to provide valuable content that your followers enjoy on Twitter so that they will visit your website for more information and make purchases using your affiliate ads.

Write an Informational Guide

A lot of people make money on Twitter by writing informational guides and books (usually eBooks) and placing them for sale online. There are numerous ways to self-publish your work online for sale, including Amazon’s KDP platform, Clickbank and by simply posting a secure PDF file on your website for download after a PayPal purchase.

Use these ideas as a starting point to inspire you to pursue ways to use Twitter to make money and possibly start your own small business.


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Emotional Intelligence & Your Small Business Communication Strategy

On Emotional Intelligence and How it Relates to Your Small Business Communication Strategy

The widespread belief in popular culture is that human emotions aren’t connected with human intelligence. Many people believe that those who act or speak emotionally business handshakearen’t using their intellect; the idea is that the two are mutually exclusive. But in the age of the Internet, social media and advancements in the study of human psychology, it’s become clear that emotional intelligence (also called EQ) is not an oxymoron. It is just as significant as traditional human intelligence (IQ) that can be measured with tests and other metrics.

What Is Emotional Intelligence?
There are several definitions of emotional intelligence in popular theory, but one of the easiest to grasp is this: it is an understanding of human emotions and how to manage them intelligently. It is an understanding of how emotions have a significant effect on the way people communicate with each other, socialize, learn, resolve conflicts and perform in work settings. It also affects how people manage their own issues with stress and mental health.

Knowledge Transfer Benefits
Emotional intelligence is a conduit for better knowledge transfer. When you can relate to others on an emotional level, it makes them more receptive to receiving new information. As an example, self-help authors and motivational speakers relate to their audiences on a high level when they are in tune with their emotional triggers. Teachers also have a stronger effect on students when they are connected with them on an emotional level — studies from as early as 1994 examined the effect of positive emotions on the learning process for young people.

Emotional Intelligence and Social Media
The growth of social media has created a new platform where psychologists can examine the effects of emotional intelligence on individuals and society as a whole. Business organizations in particular study and implement online communication strategies based on the idea of emotional intelligence when connecting with followers and potential customers. As the saying goes, “people buy on emotion and rationalize them with logic.” Many organizations use emotional intelligence to appeal to followers with advertisements and posts that address the inner feelings and desires of their target audiences first and foremost. This inspires future purchases and brand loyalty.

Think of how you can use this information in your business communications and sales strategies. It pays to care about your customers — their feelings, their motivations, their hopes, dreams and emotional triggers. Don’t treat your customers and clients like numbers on a page — treat them with human compassion when communicating with them for the best results.

It’s clear from recent research that emotional intelligence is a valuable concept to consider – especially when it comes to business communication strategy. It may be key to everything from improving personal human relationships to inspiring customers to buy your products and services.


 * Image credit: © Atee83 | Dreamstime Stock Photos

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Aaahh, Post Office Lines

There are so many joys to be experienced while waiting on line at your local post office…

There’s the guy who comes in with a shopping cart full of boxes that he wants to ship one by one (oh, and he’s not quite sure how he wants to ship them yet — media mail, parcel, first class, priority, with or without signature confirmation, who knows for sure?)

Then you have the sweet little old lady who’s counting pennies and nickels to buy Express postage to mail her granddaughter a birthday gift…

And you can’t forget the friendly, cheerful neighborhood clerk who makes it a point to have a conversation about the weather, stories popular in the news and who’s kid is graduating that May. Bless his heart!

Yes, this is a fun time to be had if you don’t have much to do in the middle of your day, but when you’re a small business owner every moment is precious. If you run a business that sends a lot of correspondence via mail or ships products, it’s important that you have the right tools at your disposal — right in your office.

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The USPS allows certain approved vendors to supply business owners with machines and labels to stamp envelopes and packages. The vendor supplies you with a U.S. Postal service approved machine that you use to weigh the mailpiece at your desk and then print the exact postage needed to ship it to your destination.

So instead of waiting on lines at the post office listening to banter and watching the time tick by as your business emails and phone calls go unanswered, you can just drop your stamped mail into the mailbox or hand them off to your mail carrier each day. It’s all ready to go.

Click here to learn more about getting a USPS stamps machine for your small business office.

Starting up a small business, even if it's just on the side, is no longer an option -- it's a necessity. Why? Because everyone needs an additional source of income in our new economy. Click here to sign up for educational and motivational posts to keep you on track.

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