4. Finding a Location for Your Small Business

Location is key to the success of certain types of small businesses. As the saying goes: location, location, location! This section will matter most if you want to start up a storefront shop or office that will receive clients. It also matters to a degree when it comes to setting up an “online business location” — otherwise known as a website or web home.

Why Location Is Important for Your Small Business

Deciding on a proper location is a significant element of marketing your business. The decision on where to set up your business depends on what your target market is and where they hang out or live. For instance, would it be a good idea to set up a video arcade in the middle of a retirement community?

If you’re planning to set up a manufacturing business, finding the right location is mostly about security, safety and ensuring that the space is the right size for your operation.

You must analyze the demographics of an area thoroughly before you make a final decision on where to set up your small business. Pick a spot because it will bring you plenty of ideal customers — not because it’s the cheapest or looks the best.

Use an online demographical service like ZipSkinny.com to do some research when you’re planning to open a physical store or office. These services give you an idea of the incomes, ages, and buying habits of people in a certain zip code.

Online Business Location

Location considerations also apply to online businesses. The website domain name you choose matters for two reasons:

Web.com Web Hosting1) Search engine optimization (you want search engines to associate your site with your target topic)

2) Attracting clicks from your ideal customers

So in other words, is someone looking for pet supplies more likely to click a link entitled BrownandCo.com or DogsCatsandMore.com ?

See the page on Setting Up a Small Business Website for more guidance in this area.

Home Businesses

If you’re planning to start a small business that you can run from home or a small office, location obviously isn’t as much of a consideration when it comes to your customers. But you should take steps to ensure that your office is a comfortable, inspiring and productive workspace for YOU.

So clearly, finding an ideal business location is a very important step in the process of starting up your small company. See the resources below for more guidance and tips. Bookmark us for updates.

Advice & Tips for Finding an Ideal Business Location for Your Small Business:

Virtual Business

Work from Home

Commercial Real Estate

Online Business Ideas

Small Business for Sale

Retail Space for Lease

Set Up an Office for Your Small Business


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