I’ve lost count of the number of people I know or have met who have a major talent that they could “bottle up and sell.” 90 percent of the time they are also very unhappy in their current jobs.

“Why not start your own side or small business?” I ask.
Here are the most common answers I receive:
– I don’t have the money to invest
– My job takes up too much of my time / too tired
– I don’t know how or where to start
But I have a theory.
The real reasons behind why most people don’t start up a small business are:
– lack of motivation
– lack of inspiration
– lack of knowledge (self-education)
Somewhere along the way you got the idea that the only way you could ever make money is to work for another person. Maybe it was your family pushing you toward a particular “way” of living life. Maybe it was college indoctrination where you and your peers are taught to compete for the best jobs. Maybe it’s just a limiting belief that you have about your skills, talents and ability to make or manage money.
But the truth is that anyone can start a successful small business — even if it’s just something you do on the side for the time being. It’s about offering value to the world — when you do that consistently and reliably they give you value in return.
Here’s what you really need to get started:
– the Knowledge/Know-how (self-educating yourself on the type of business you’d like to run, marketing, communication, how to use technology like social media to your advantage)
– Inspiration (the idea, the innovation, the thing that gives you butterflies when you think about it)
– Motivation (a push in the right direction)
K.I.M. for short. Keep it moving.
So this start up a small business website is mainly targeted at resolving those three barriers to starting a successful small business.
You have the basic steps outlined, conveniently to the left (see that nice little menu over there?) — that list alone can help you start forming your business plan. But you also need help with motivation, inspiration and self-education to start your own successful small business.
So subscribe to our posts below or sign up for the email list for updates, advice and tips.
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About the Author:
Louise Gaillard is a prolific writer, marketing consultant and author writing about small business, marketing and social media success.