13. Self-Educating for Small Business Success

There’s a saying: college education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.

There is always room for improvement – not just for your business but for yourself. As the owner of your own new small business you have to be open to new ideas that can help you and your small business flourish.

Study, Study, Study

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon HillIt’s been proven that reading books and listening to education audio books can give you the equivalent of a college education after a certain period of time. Dedicate yourself to reading at least one new book per week, whether it’s a book about general business ideas, marketing or a book that specifically addresses your type of business.


Study how to relate to new people in both personal and business situations (this will help you with marketing and sales). Study NLP (neuro linguistic programming) and the law of attraction to understand more about how people operate. Study all of Napoleon Hill’s stuff, including his ground breaking book that has helped probably millions of millionaires at this point entitled Think and Grow Rich.

You decide how successful your business will be. If you have decided in your mind that all you’re worth is making $200 per month profit from your business, then that’s what you’ll get. Set your sights high and work smart toward your goals.

Continue to Look Ahead

Self-education also keeps you abreast of new developments that can help you take your company to the next level or to open yourself up to a new opportunity. Avoid complacency – go for greatness.

This section is dedicated to ideas to help develop your mindset and improve your small company. If there’s one page you’ll want to bookmark at StartUpaSmallBiz.com, it’s this one (CTRL+D).

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