Tag Archives: small business advice

What Is Marketing?

One of the most commonly searched questions from small business owners is what is marketing?

Marketing is the process of bringing your product or service to market to get sales. It involves using market research, pricing plans, promotions and other strategies to attract the interest of a specific target market.

Stay tuned to this section to learn what is marketing and how to create a marketing plan for your new small business.

Starting up a small business, even if it's just on the side, is no longer an option -- it's a necessity. Why? Because everyone needs an additional source of income in our new economy. Click here to sign up for educational and motivational posts to keep you on track.

Credit Cards Accepted

Stay updated on the topic of what is needed to be able to hang a credit cards accepted sign on your small business’ door in this section of StartUpaSmallBiz.com .

Starting up a small business, even if it's just on the side, is no longer an option -- it's a necessity. Why? Because everyone needs an additional source of income in our new economy. Click here to sign up for educational and motivational posts to keep you on track.

Credit Card Processing for Small Business

Stay updated on the topic of credit card processing for small business in this section of StartUpaSmallBiz.com .

Starting up a small business, even if it's just on the side, is no longer an option -- it's a necessity. Why? Because everyone needs an additional source of income in our new economy. Click here to sign up for educational and motivational posts to keep you on track.

Merchant Services Credit Card Processing

Stay updated on the topic of becoming a merchant services credit card processing in this section of StartUpaSmallBiz.com .

Starting up a small business, even if it's just on the side, is no longer an option -- it's a necessity. Why? Because everyone needs an additional source of income in our new economy. Click here to sign up for educational and motivational posts to keep you on track.

Becoming a Virtual Merchant

Stay updated on the topic of becoming a virtual merchant in this section of StartUpaSmallBiz.com .

Starting up a small business, even if it's just on the side, is no longer an option -- it's a necessity. Why? Because everyone needs an additional source of income in our new economy. Click here to sign up for educational and motivational posts to keep you on track.

Understanding SEO for Small Business Sites

Stay updated on the topic of understanding SEO for small business sites in this section of StartUpaSmallBiz.com .

WordPress Hosting

Starting up a small business, even if it's just on the side, is no longer an option -- it's a necessity. Why? Because everyone needs an additional source of income in our new economy. Click here to sign up for educational and motivational posts to keep you on track.

Creating a Small Business WordPress Blog

Stay updated on the topic of creating a small business WordPress blog in this section of StartUpaSmallBiz.com .

WordPress Hosting

The Best WordPress Themes

Starting up a small business, even if it's just on the side, is no longer an option -- it's a necessity. Why? Because everyone needs an additional source of income in our new economy. Click here to sign up for educational and motivational posts to keep you on track.

Small Business Web Hosting

Stay updated on the topic of small business web hosting in this section of StartUpaSmallBiz.com .

WordPress Hosting

Starting up a small business, even if it's just on the side, is no longer an option -- it's a necessity. Why? Because everyone needs an additional source of income in our new economy. Click here to sign up for educational and motivational posts to keep you on track.