Tips for a Pay-Per-Click Advertising Campaign

Before you make the investment in a pay-per-click campaign, which could cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars each month, do an evaluation of your business to ensure that it will be worth your while.

womanworkingThe Price Point of Your Offering
For a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign to be worth your time and money, you should be selling a relatively high margin product or service. In other words, you should be profitable on each sale of your offering, including the amount that you spent on your PPC campaign to generate the sale. For instance, if you have to spend $100 in clicks to generate one sale, then the item you’re selling should at the very least give you a $100 profit.

Keyword Research
Many advertisers know about keyword research but still don’t spend enough time on this important task. Choosing keywords to purchase should not be a passing thought. You should take a few days, even weeks, performing keyword research before you start spending money on them.

The keywords that you choose should be ultra-relevant to your business and as specific as possible. Before you add them to your PPC campaign, ask yourself this question: “Will someone who types this phrase into a search engine actually consider buying my product?”

Features and Benefits
When you set up a PPC campaign you’ll most likely have to write one or more short ads. Write your ads before you start the campaign — not on the fly while logged onto your PPC dashboard. You need time to review your marketing plan and come up with the right message to draw quality clicks.

Start by listing all of the features and benefits of your product or service. Features are attributes of the offering (such as size and specs) and benefits are the specific ways that the offering will help the target customer (such as “lose weight” or “make more money”). Know all of this before you start your campaign — it may give you some insights into good keywords and advertising strategies.

Goals and Limits
Before you launch your pay-per-click campaign, ask yourself a few questions. What is your main goal in launching this campaign? Is it to make instant sales or to just get leads to send you their email addresses? At what point will you decide that the campaign is either a bust or a success and then either halt it or put more money toward it? What are your spending limits and how long will the campaign run? You need to know all of the answers to these questions and more before you get started.

Don’t rush into a pay-per-click campaign — take plenty of time to prepare. Make sure that you have all of your ducks in a row before you add money to your account and release your first set of ads to the online world.



Image credit: © Abdone | Dreamstime Stock Photos

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