I have been in sales for about 12 years as of this posting (if you listen to the classic wisdom of Zig Ziglar, we’ve all actually been in sales since the day we were born). I have met and talked to thousands of people in face-to-face sales scenarios and over the phone while selling my products and services. I’ve learned a few things during that time about people and what makes someone start pulling out his wallet to buy what you’re selling.
Look Prospects in their Eyes
Most people trust a sales person who can look them straight in the eye. They say that the eyes are the gateway to the soul — looking someone directly in the eyes says that you have nothing to hide. It makes them more comfortable with buying from you. So if you have kind, trusting eyes don’t point them down at the table, a paper or in the air when you’re talking — use them to your advantage. Connect with your prospect by flashing a genuine smile and looking her straight in her eyes.
This point kind of goes along with the last point about looking people in their eyes. If you want people to be inspired to buy from you, you have to exude confidence in everything that you do. You have to be direct and certain. If you’re not confident about yourself and the product that you’re selling, why should anyone buy it from you?
Telling a Story (Preferably Yours)
I can’t stress this point enough – if you really want someone to pull out his wallet and buy from you, you should have a story prepared to tell. I’m not saying that you should tell stories about your childhood and how Santa Claus didn’t get you what you wanted for Christmas. I’m talking about the story of what inspired you to start your small business and also stories (testimonials) about how your product or service has helped you and other people.
The Package Deal – Best Offer
All some people need to make the final decision to buy is to hear a special offer at the end of your pitch. When they’re right on the cusp of deciding whether to buy or not, thinking and scanning the product, offer them a package deal. For instance, if you’re selling an item for $10, you might offer 2 of the item for $15 — one for the buyer and one for his friend. Of course, you have to analyze your costs to determine if this would be a profitable sale. People feel good when they know they’ve gotten a good deal.
Use these tips for sales success the next time you find yourself in a face-to-face sales scenario selling your products or services. They could be the difference between “maybe next time” and “ok, I’ll take it!”
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