3 Keys to Selling Success for a Small Business

You’ve probably heard that the ability to sell to people is something that you either have or you don’t have—an innate talent. But in truth, it is something that you can learn through experience. You must learn how people think and make decisions. People who are successful at selling usually come to a sales transaction equipped with confidence, information and intuition.


People are very perceptive and they can detect when you’re unsure of yourself. If you show that you are unsure of yourself, that might mean that you’re unsure of the product or service you’re selling as well. Avoid stumbling over your words, shuffling about or glancing around nervously. Look the potential customer directly in the eyes and tell him what you’re selling. Remember that you, as a person, reflect on the product you’re selling—in many cases a customer chooses you, not the product. So carry yourself with confidence whenever you are talking to a prospect. Practice pitching your product or service in the mirror or to a trusted friend who will give you constructive advice.


If you master every feature of the product or service you’re selling, you increase your chances of converting sales. Customers are bound to have questions—every time you intelligently answer a customer’s question, you remove a potential barrier to making the sale. Also, once you identify the customer’s needs you can easily match them to the product’s features.

Also, when it comes to selling, people usually need to see it to believe it. Do a product demonstration if possible or offer a free trial of your service. Provide the potential customer with as many samples as they need to be convinced that what you are selling is great.


Intuition is not something that is easily taught when it comes to sales, but it can come with experience. An expert salesman eventually comes to a place where he can predict how a potential prospect will respond to his product and pitch. He learns how to read faces, gestures, body language and comments from the potential customer to know what he should say or do to get the sale. If you don’t have this ability, ask a more experienced sales person to mentor you.

Of course these are not the only traits you need in order to become a successful sales person—having an awesome product or service is a large part of the formula. However, when you go in prepared with plenty of confidence, information and intuition you’re putting yourself in a good position to start pulling in some sales.


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